Tag: beautiful

  • Am I Transforming as I Walk?

    Am I Transforming as I Walk?

    I once read this saying, “You can only FLY, once you are willing to Give Up the Safety of Your Cocoon!” For me this is HUGE. In life we sometimes get stuck in a rut because we think we have the answer in “My way.” There is so much safety in “My way!” Even if it’s wrong or…

  • My Skirt and Dress Journey UPDATE

    My Skirt and Dress Journey UPDATE

    So it has been about 8 months since I began wearing skirts and dresses ONLY!  If you read my first blog about it I said I’d keep you posted on how things are going.  I haven’t kept you updated, for 1)… I was trying to gather my thoughts because I feel like I am gaining…

  • My Father or My Wife?

    Since the beginning of man, man has been getting into trouble over woman.  When God saw that there was no help meet for Adam, He caused Adam to go into a deep sleep,  He took Adam’s rib, made woman and brought her to Adam. Genesis 2:21-22  As a new proud husband Adam says, “This is now…

  • The Feminine Glance at Skirts/Dresses

    I have to say, I am actually enjoying my skirts/dresses.  It’s definitely not as tedious as I thought it would be.  It has only been 3-4 weeks, (I began the journey before I originally posted) if you would like to read about it here’s the link https://faithsoven.com/2015/04/08/dresses-and-skirts-my-1-year-journey/  but I must say I am seeing things differently!…